Advantages & Disadvantages of AC and DC Power Transmission

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you Advantages of AC Transmission, Comparison of AC and DC transmission, difference between AC and DC transmission: : If you also want to know, then keep reading this article completely.  so let’s start Advantages of AC Transmission (i) In alternating current transmission, electric power can be generated … Read more

What is indoor sub-station? And what is outdoor sub-station?

Hello friends, today I will tell you that What is indoor sub-station? And what is outdoor sub-station?: If you also want to know, keep reading this article thoroughly. What is indoor sub-station? In these electrical sub-stations, equipment like transformers and switchgear are installed inside the building. These are generally made of capacity up to 117 … Read more

what are Contingencies charges and overhead charges?

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you what are Contingencies charges and overhead charges?: If you also want to know, then keep reading this article completely. What are Contingencies charges? Contingencies charge – As the name suggests, these are the expenses that are incidental to some work. For example, when we start some … Read more

Objectives and Requirements of Estimates and Costs

Hello friends, today I will tell you that Objectives and Requirements of Estimates and Costs: If you also want to know, then keep reading this article completely. Objectives and Requirements of Estimates and Costs To do any new work, it is necessary to have complete knowledge of the material and cost involved in it. For … Read more

Structure and working of mercury vapor lamp

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you that the structure and working of mercury vapor lamp – structure of mercury vapor lamp, working of mercury vapor lamp, use of mercury vapor lamp: If you also want to know then read this article completely. Structure of Mercury Vapor Lamp The inner tube of a … Read more

What is Diesel-electric traction? – their advantages and disadvantages

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you what is Diesel and electric traction? – Their advantages and disadvantages: If you also want to know, then keep reading this article completely. so let’s start 1. Diesel-electric traction In this, the diesel engine is connected to a DC generator. And the speed (r.m.p.) of the … Read more