What are the losses in a transformer? Types of Losses in Transformer?

Today in this article we are going to LOSSES IN TRANSFORMER |What are the losses in a transformer? Types of Losses in Transformer? Learn more about If you also want to know then read this post completely.

Types of loss in transformer?

In a transformer, being a static device, there are no wind and friction losses. Loss in transformer is divided into two parts. It contains only (i) copper and (ii) iron losses.

(i) Copper Losses-

This is due to the resistance of the coils and the current flowing through them.


The value of current depends on the load provided by the transformer. If the load is halved, the copper losses will be 1/4 times and if the load is doubled, the copper losses will be 4 times. The resistance of the coils is proportional to the length of the copper conductor and inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area, so the resistance of the high voltage coil is greater than that of the low voltage coil. Since the resistance of the coil increases with an increase in temperature, the resistance of the coil should always be found in the hot condition of the transformer.

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(ii) Iron Losses-

This loss is divided into two parts-

(a) Hysteresis losses (b) Eddy current losses

(a) Hysteresis losses-

Due to the reversal of magnetic flux, the molecules of the core plates are magnetized first in one direction and then in the other direction, due to which some part of the energy exchanged is spent. This energy is manifested in the form of heat due to the friction of the molecules which heats the core. The hysteresis losses depend on the supply frequency f1 maximum flux density Bmax and the properties of the metal used in the core.

Here is a constant which depends on the properties of the magnetized metal. To reduce the hysteresis losses, a steel core with a value of less than should be made. The value is very low i.e. 191 for silicene steel and hence the core of silicene steel is used in the transformer. The hysteresis losses are proportional to (B1.6 max) for a certain type but in practice, the properties of iron (B max) have also been obtained to the power 3.5, so the hysteresis loss is expressed in the expression W????=????(B max) It is more appropriate to display in x fv watts. The value of x varies from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on the property of iron used in the core.

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(b) Vortex current losses-

Due to the alternating flux, the electromotive force is induced in the transformer core and other metallic parts like end clamps, bolts, etc., like a coil, although the value of this electromotive force is very small, yet very high due to the low resistance of the core plates. Vortex currents are induced. These currents create many closed short circuits in the core which causes energy to be dissipated and as a result heats the core.

To reduce vortex current losses, the core is laminated and the plates are coated with a varnish or oxide layer to insulate each other. The vortex current losses depend on the thickness t of the core plates, the supply frequency f, the maximum flux density B max, the volume V of the core.


In this post, we told you that “LOSSES IN TRANSFORMER | ,What are the losses in a transformer? Types of Losses in Transformer?

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