What is A Manometer? Definition, Working, and Types

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you What is a manometer, what is a U-tube discriminant manometer, what is a simple manometer, what is a differential manometer, the difference between a simple manometer and a discriminant manometer,:If you also want to know, then keep reading this article completely.

what is a Manometer?

This is a U shaped tube. It is made by turning in one end of which is open to the air and the other end is connected to the vessel of the liquid to be taken out under pressure. The U-tube is usually filled with Hg (mercury/mercury), CO2 (carbon dioxide), CCl4 (alcohol). The gauge pressure is determined by the manometer. The following equation is used to find the absolute pressure.

What is Manometer

What is Manometer

Types Of a Manometer ?

There are 3 types of manometers-

  1. U-tube Differential Manometer
  2. simple manometer
  3. Differential Manometer

What is a U-tube Differential Manometer?

Differential pressure gauge is used to find the difference of pressure between any two points of a water pipe. The U-shaped bar in a U-tube sump is shown in the figure. Two points of the pipe are connected by m and n, between which the difference of pressure is to be found. The heavy liquid mercury is filled at the bottom of the U-tube, which is heavier and insoluble than the pressure measuring fluid.

What is Manometer

What is a simple manometer?

It is the manometer which measures the pressure at a single point. It is also called Piezometer Tube Manometer. It is a simple type of manometer. In this, a glass tube is filled with a balanced liquid, one end of which is open and the other end is connected to the pressure measuring liquid vessel. The height of the liquid in the tube is proportional to the pressure at the gas point. The pressure peak is determined by the scale mounted on it. The lower end of the crescent shaped plane is read to get the reading and the upper part is read for mercury.

What is Manometer

What is a Differential Manometer?

Differential Manometer This is an instrument by which the pressure difference between any two places in the same pipeline or two pipes can be found, for this both the ends of the manometer are connected to the desired places.

The narrow tube can be placed vertical or inclined. An instrument with a tube is more sensitive than a vertical tube. In the vertical type of barometer, if the liquid level is on the y-y axis in both the reservoir and the narrow tube, then that will be atmospheric pressure. An increase in the pressure in the pipe will bring down the level of the liquid in the tank and raise the bottom of the narrow tube.

What is Manometer

Difference between simple manometer and differential manometer –

simple manometer

  1. Simple manometer is used to find the low pressure of a liquid.
  2. One end of a simple manometer is kept open in the air. And the other remains attached to the character.
  3. It usually contains Hg. C2S CCL4 is full.

Differential Manometer manometer

  1. Differential manometer is used to measure the pressure difference between two places.
  2. In this, both ends are connected to the character
  3. It is usually filled with mercury.

what did you learn today:-

Friends, today you learned What is a manometer, what is a U-tube discriminant manometer, what is a simple manometer, what is a differential manometer, the difference between a simple manometer and a discriminant manometer,. If you liked the information given by me, then you can share it with your friends and if you have any question or suggestion in your mind, then you can tell by commenting below.

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