What is ring counter? the working of ring counter

Hello friends, in this article I am going to tell you what is ring counter? the working of the ring counter. so let’s start

What is Ring Counter?

The ring counter is a circular shift register that is initialized in such a way that only one flip-flop is state-1. Everything else is in the 0 -state. A ring counter has n flip-flops and n-states.

What is Ring Counter?

What is Ring Counter?

A 4-bit ring counter is shown in the figure, which has a 4-flip-flop and will have 4- states. The output of Q, the last flip-flop, is connected to the first flip-flop. Hence it produces a ring-like structure. When a single ‘1’ is entered into the ring, it is successively shifted to the ring on the clock cycle. That is, when a clock pulse is mounted, a ‘1’ is shifted to an adjacent, flip-flop. it is called a ring counter.
The waveform of a 4-bit ring counter is shown in Figure 2.

Working of Ring Counter

1. Initially 1, the first flip-flop will be preset in FF1 and the remaining flip-flop will be cleared. In this case, the counter will show 0001.
2. On application of the first clockwise pulse, 1 will shift to the second flip-flop FF 2 and will output Q,=1 and the second flip-flop will be reset. In this case, the counter will show 0010.
3. On the second clock pulse, the 1st third flip-flop will shift to FF3, and output 2 = 1, and the second flip-flop will be reset. In this case, the counter will show 0100.
4. Similarly the third clock pulse does a 1 shift on the output ring of the fourth flip-flop FF4. In this case, the counter will show 1000.
5. The cycle starts on the 4th clock pulse and 1 is back to the first flip-flop FF1 and now the counter is in the starting state 0001.

This process is thus iterated on a subsequent clock pulse. The above process can be demonstrated from the timing diagram (Figure 2). From this timing diagram, the frequency of the output waveform of each flip-flop is one-fourth of the clock frequency in the ring counter.
The truth table of the ring counter is displayed as follows.

What is Ring Counter?

Now you must have known that what is Ring Counter?, Working of Ring Counter. You must have got a good knowledge of this subject.

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